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Galaxies to Genesis Blog

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Relationships: A Biblical Perspective

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Relationships: A Biblical Perspective

By Wayne Pearmain September 01, 2024 |

    In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated our imaginations, both in the realms of science fiction and real-world applications. AI seems to be in some form part of every Sci-Fi flick. From the holographic interactions of the Star Trek universe to...

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The Olympic Opening Ceremony: A Chance to Reflect on Grace and Mercy

The Olympic Opening Ceremony: A Chance to Reflect on Grace and Mercy

By From Galaxies to Genesis August 01, 2024 |

The recent Olympic opening ceremony has sparked a lot of controversy and debate within the Christian community. Some have seen it as a deliberate slap in the face of Christian beliefs, while others have responded with anger and hatred. However, as followers of Christ, we should approach this situation with...

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Fathers in Fiction and Faith: Father-Son Lessons from Sci-Fi and Scripture

Fathers in Fiction and Faith: Father-Son Lessons from Sci-Fi and Scripture

By Wayne Pearmain July 01, 2024 | #Life Skills #Relationship #Sci-fi and the Bible Father

I feel truly blessed when I think about my dad. He worked tirelessly at his job to provide for us five kids and put even more effort into raising us to be responsible, truth-seeking, and positive contributors to society. Looking back, I remember his late nights at work, but what...

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Welcome to the Cosmos: Where Everyday Challenges and Epic Adventures Collide!

Welcome to the Cosmos: Where Everyday Challenges and Epic Adventures Collide!

By Wayne Pearmain June 01, 2024 | #Life Skills #Money #Relationship

Life on Earth often feels overwhelming, doesn't it? But have you ever stopped to wonder why the galaxies beyond seem to be filled with even more daunting challenges? It's a fascinating thought. Yet, if we observe closely, we'll realize that mastering basic skills is the key to conquering these epic...

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Alliances: Why Supporting Israel Matters More Than You Think

Alliances: Why Supporting Israel Matters More Than You Think

By Wayne Pearmain May 01, 2024 | #Relationship #Sci-Fi #Sci-fi and the Bible #Sci-Fi blog #Syfy Blog

In the realm of sci-fi, alliances are often the key to survival, just as they are in our world. The recent events involving Israel's involvement in a war and the protests at Cambridge have made me ponder the importance of alliances, even in fictional universes. It's astonishing to see a...

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Journeys Through Shadows: Exploring Suicide in Fiction, Culture, and Faith

Journeys Through Shadows: Exploring Suicide in Fiction, Culture, and Faith

By Wayne Pearmain April 01, 2024 | #Suicide #Suicide Help #Suicide in the Bible

26 years ago, close to Thanksgiving, a father figure vanished from my family's life, leaving behind unanswered questions and a lingering sense of loss. His sudden absence still echoes through my memories, raising thoughts of what could have been and what relationships might have flourished. Life continued its course, but...

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Navigating the Cosmos: Sci-Fi, the Bible, and the Quest for Truth

Navigating the Cosmos: Sci-Fi, the Bible, and the Quest for Truth

By Wayne Pearmain March 25, 2024 | #Sci-Fi #Sci-fi and the Bible #Sci-Fi blog #Syfy and the Bible #Syfy Blog

  In the vast expanse of the speculative universe, where interstellar adventures unfold and futuristic landscapes stretch beyond imagination, Sci-Fi stands as a genre that captivates minds and sparks curiosity. From the mysterious Drake Equation, attempting to quantify the possibility of extraterrestrial life, to the iconic realms of Star Wars,...

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Spock, Eggs, and the Easter Bunny

Spock, Eggs, and the Easter Bunny

By Wayne Pearmain March 25, 2024 | #EasterConnections #CosmicSymbols #SymbolismUnveiled

Spock, eggs, and the Easter Bunny might seem unrelated, but together they form a cosmic story. Join the journey as we explore these fascinating connections at a pace that suits your imagination.  In the Star Trek universe is "The Search for Spock," following the intense "Wrath of Khan." Spock sacrifices...

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