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The Olympic Opening Ceremony: A Chance to Reflect on Grace and Mercy

By From Galaxies to Genesis August 01, 2024

The recent Olympic opening ceremony has sparked a lot of controversy and debate within the Christian community. Some have seen it as a deliberate slap in the face of Christian beliefs, while others have responded with anger and hatred. However, as followers of Christ, we should approach this situation with a different mindset - one that reflects the grace and mercy that Jesus has shown us.

Olympic Opening

We have all seen the spectacle of the Olympic opening ceremony, with its dazzling displays of creativity and cultural expression. Even if the organizers did intend to mock or undermine Christian beliefs, we must remember that we are not called to defend our faith through anger or retaliation. Instead, we should take a page from the stories of our beloved fictional heroes, such as Frodo Baggins from "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Frodo, despite the immense burden of carrying the One Ring, showed mercy and pity towards the corrupted Gollum. Even when Gollum's treachery threatened to undo all of Frodo's efforts, Frodo's grace to Gollum played a crucial role in the eventual destruction of the Ring. This is the kind of response we should emulate as Christians.

Frodo-Gollum and Sam

We must understand that just as we cannot expect a Hobbit to not be known for their love of peace and simple pleasures, we cannot expect a non-Christian to fully comprehend or respect our beliefs. Characters like Samwise Gamgee consistently display loyalty and bravery, even when faced with great danger, because that is who they are. Similarly, we should not be surprised when Goblins or those who do not share our faith act in ways that are contrary to our values.

While the offense felt by Christians is valid, we should not lash out in anger. The Bible gives us guidance on how to handle being offended, reminding us that "an offended brother is harder to reach than a fortified city, and quarrels are like the bars of a fortress." Proverbs 18:19 If we respond with anger and hatred, how can we then talk to them about the Love that Jesus has for them?

Jesus himself was often offended, but he never directed his anger towards the sinners. Instead, he loved them and showed them that they were more valuable than the Precious Ring. He calls us to be a light in "The Darkness" of sin, to be the "Light of Eärendil" that shines in the "Shadow".

The Bible also tells us that Jesus never instructs us to defend him. As it says in Exodus 14:14, "The Lord will fight for you; you must be quiet." Jesus has defended his character for much longer than we have, and he is more than capable of handling it.

Men of Dunharrow

So, how should we respond? We should love the sinner as ourselves, remembering that we were once "Dead Men of Dunharrow" who needed the grace and mercy of the Savior. As my grandmother used to say, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." We should speak with kindness and love in our hearts, even if the "Sleepless Dead" mock us, for we are in good company with the One who showed us the ultimate example of grace and mercy.

While we should not tolerate the sin, we must remember that our response should be one of love, not hatred. We are called to love the sinner as ourselves, recognizing that we too are in need of the Grace and Mercy of God.

In a world that often values retaliation and self-defense, the Christian response to offense should be one of grace and mercy. Just as Frodo Baggins showed compassion towards Gollum, we are called to love and forgive those who do not understand or respect our beliefs.

As followers of Christ, let's lead the "Shadow Host" to the light. So that they know that their pledge to pay their debt was paid by Jesus, Son of the Living God on the Cross many years ago.

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 From Galaxies to Genesis
